

Ignore all real exceptions (descendants of Exception). Handy for cleaning data such as user input:

brand_id = silent(int)(request.GET['brand_id'])
ids = keep(silent(int), request.GET.getlist('id'))

And in data import/transform:

get_greeting = compose(silent(string.lower), re_finder(r'(\w+)!'))
map(get_greeting, ['a!', ' B!', 'c.'])
# -> ['a', 'b', None]


Avoid silencing non-primitive functions, use ignore() instead and even then be careful not to swallow exceptions unintentionally.

@ignore(errors, default=None)

Same as silent(), but able to specify errors to catch and default to return in case of error caught. errors can either be exception class or tuple of them.


A context manager which suppresses given exceptions under its scope:

with suppress(HttpError):
    # Assume this request can fail, and we are ok with it

Call function only once, once for every combination of values of its arguments or once for every combination of given arguments. Thread safe. Handy for various initialization purposes:

# Global initialization
def initialize_cache():
    conn = some.Connection(...)
    # ... set up everything

# Per argument initialization
def initialize_language(lang):
    conf = load_language_conf(lang)
    # ... set up language

# Setup each class once
class SomeManager(Manager):
    def contribute_to_class(self, cls):
        pre_save.connect(self._pre_save, sender=cls)
        # ... set up signals, no dups
raiser(exception_or_class=Exception, *args, **kwargs)

Constructs function that raises given exception with given arguments on any invocation.

@retry(tries, errors=Exception)

Every call of decorated function retried up to tries times if any subclass of errors occurs (could be exception class or a tuple of them):

@retry(3, errors=HttpError)
def download_image(url):
    # ... make http request
    return image

Tries several approaches until one works. Each approach is either callable or a tuple (callable, errors), where errors is an exception class or a tuple of classes, which signal to fall back to next approach. If errors is not supplied then fall back is done for any Exception:

    (partial(send_mail, ADMIN_EMAIL, message), SMTPException),
    partial(log.error, message),
    raiser(FeedbackError, "Unable to notify admin")
limit_error_rate(fails, timeout, exception=ErrorRateExceeded)

If function fails to complete fails times in a row, calls to it will be intercepted for timeout with exception raised instead. A clean way to short-circuit function taking too long to fail:

@limit_error_rate(fails=5, timeout=60, exception=RequestError('Temporary unavailable'))
def do_request(query):
    # ... make a http request
    return data

Can be combined with ignore() to silently stop trying for a while:

@ignore(ErrorRateExceeded, default={'id': None, 'name': 'Unknown'})
@limit_error_rate(fails=5, timeout=60)
def get_user(id):
    # ... make a http request
    return data

Transforms generator or other iterator returning function into list returning one.

Handy to prevent quirky iterator-returning properties:

def path_up(self):
    node = self
    while node:
        yield node
        node = node.parent

Also makes list constructing functions beautifully yielding.


Wraps common python idiom “collect then join” into a decorator. Transforms generator or alike into function, returning string of joined results. Automatically converts all elements to separator type for convenience.

Goes well with generators with some ad-hoc logic within:

@joining(', ')
def car_desc(self):
    yield self.year_made
    if self.engine_volume: yield '%s cc' % self.engine_volume
    if self.transmission:  yield self.get_transmission_display()
    if self.gear:          yield self.get_gear_display()
    # ...

Use unicode separator to get unicode result:

@joining(u', ')
def car_desc(self):
    yield self.year_made
    # ...

See also str_join().