

Returns its argument.


Returns function accepting any args, but always returning x.

caller(*args, **kwargs)

Returns function calling its argument with passed arguments.

partial(func, *args, **kwargs)

A re-export of functools.partial(). Can be used in a variety of ways. DSLs is one of them:

field = dict
json_field = partial(field, json=True)
func_partial(func, *args, **kwargs)

Like partial() but returns a real function. Which is useful when, for example, you want to create a method of it:

setattr(self, 'get_%s_display' %, func_partial(_get_FIELD_display, field))

Note: use partial() if you are ok to get callable object instead of function as it’s faster.

curry(func[, n])

Curries function. For example, given function of two arguments f(a, b) returns function:

lambda a: lambda b: f(a, b)

Handy to make a partial factory:

make_tester = curry(re_test)
is_word = make_tester(r'^\w+$')
is_int = make_tester(r'^[1-9]\d*$')

But see re_tester() if you really need this.

autocurry(func[, n])

Constructs a version of func returning it’s partial application if insufficient arguments passed:

def remainder(what, by):
    return what % by
rem = autocurry(remainder)

assert rem(10, 3) == rem(10)(3) == rem()(10, 3) == 1
assert map(rem(by=3), range(5)) == [0, 1, 2, 0, 1]

Can clean your code a bit when partial() makes it too cluttered.


Returns composition of functions:

extract_int = compose(int, r'\d+')

Supports Extended function semantics.


Takes several functions and returns a new function that is the juxtaposition of those. The resulting function takes a variable number of arguments, and returns a list or iterator containing the result of applying each function to the arguments.

iffy([pred, ]action[, default=identity])

Returns function, which conditionally, depending on pred, applies action or default. If default is not callable then it is returned as is from resulting function. E.g. this will call all callable values leaving rest of them as is:

map(iffy(callable, caller()), values)

Common use it to deal with messy data:

dirty_data = ['hello', None, 'bye']
map(iffy(len), dirty_data)              # => [5, None, 3]
map(iffy(isa(str), len, 0), dirty_data) # => [5, 0, 3], also safer

Function logic

This family of functions supports creating predicates from other predicates and regular expressions.


Constructs a predicate of passed function, i.e. a function returning a boolean opposite of original function:

is_private = re_tester(r'^_')
is_public = complement(is_private)

# or just
is_public = complement(r'^_')

Construct a predicates returning True when all, any, none or exactly one of fs return True. Support short-circuit behavior.

is_even_int = all_fn(isa(int), even)

Constructs function calling fs one by one and returning first true result.

Enables creating functions by short-circuiting several behaviours:

get_amount = some_fn(
    lambda s: 4 if 'set of' in s else None,
    r'(\d+) wheels?',
    compose({'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'pair': 2}, r'(\w+) wheels?')

If you wonder how on Earth one can compose() dict and string see Extended function semantics.